Mon - Sat: 08.00 am - 05:00

At One Family of Cambodia (OFOCO)

We are proud to be a locally-led organization, driven by Khmer people for Khmer people. Our team is comprised entirely of Khmer staff, who are dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of Cambodian communities.

OFOCO’s Khmer team brings a unique set of skills and expertise to our work, while our team of international volunteers provides valuable support and guidance. Many of our volunteers have developed a deep love and respect for Cambodia, its people, and rich history, having travelled to the country multiple times.

At OFOCO, we take a strengths-based approach in all our work, focusing on the social determinants of health and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This approach allows us to build on the resilience and capacities of the communities we serve, rather than simply addressing their deficits.

Our mission is to support communities in Cambodia to break the cycle of poverty by improving access to essential services, including housing, healthcare, employment opportunities, and quality education. We believe that by empowering individuals and communities, we can create a brighter future for all Cambodians.

Locally-led Cambodian organization OFOCO, driven by Khmer staff and supported by international volunteers, focuses on community resilience, health, education, housing, and UN SDGs to break the cycle of poverty.


A compassionate and inclusive community, where equity and wellbeing are within reach for all.


Working in partnership with families and communities to achieve sustainable freedom from poverty, guided by community priorities and driven by evidence.


  • Equity; passionate, brave, and persistent in our quest for justice and fairness.
  • Collaboration; genuinely striving for sustained cooperation, communication, and coordination.
  • Sustainability; meeting the needs of the present without compromising the future for people, the planet, and our organisation.
  • Integrity; uncompromising adherence to truth, kindness, respect, and inclusion.
  • Accountability; accepting responsibility for our actions; and fervently upholding the right to self-determination through a genuine respect for people, culture, and history.


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+855 12 557 553

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Siem Reap, Cambodia

© Copyright 2025 by One Family Of Cambodia